Thursday, December 20, 2018

Healing Emotions


The state of mind can affect the strength of the immune system and robustness of the cardiovascular system.

The negative emotions such as depression, anger, and depression are very bad for our health. These emotions worsen the condition of the disease, slow down recovery from illness. In contrast, positive emotions such as loving kindness, compassionate mind, social connection are tools that can maintain better health, provide protection against illness, both physically and mentally. The impact of negative emotions that harm the our body and mind, is comparatively faster that the impact of positive emotions that robust our body and mind. 

Immune System and Disease
The lowest amount of artery blockage was found in the group that had the least anger, and the people that had most anger had the highest blockage. Researcher at the Harvard Medical School found that the single emotion most commonly happened just two hours prior to a serious heart attack was anger.
Men have much more of it women do. This hormone may heighten aggressiveness, although there is a debate on the question. But people who commit violent crimes tend to have higher-than-usual levels of testosterone. If you have a high level of testosterone, you like to control situations, and so you tend to be argumentative or fight more often. It seems to make you more vulnerable to heart disease.

Depression and Disease
The depressed patients had the fewest of natural killer cells, and also had tumors spreading more quickly to different parts of the body. Depression slows down the speed of recovery from illness or fracture. Among the patients treated for a first heart attack, the one in eight who were seriously depressed afterward were five times more likely to die than those patients who had comparable heart disease without subsequent development of depression.

Anxiety and Disease 
Anxiety develops from fear, worry.   Fear and worry seem to have a substantial impact on the immune system. The people living near the nuclear reactor at Three Mile Island,

Repression and Disease
Repression maybe related to aspects of ignorance or delusion in the Buddhism. People who are "repressors" like this may be more susceptible to diseases like asthmas, high blood pressure, and colds.

Calmness and Health 
When the students, who were facing final examination, meditated every day, their T-cells found to increase instead. The more and more constantly meditated, the stronger the impact.    

Optimism and Health 
Optimistic students forty years after leaving school were found to have less serious diseases and health problems as compared with pessimistic students. Optimism seemed to be good for health.

Confidence and Health
Confidence is a sense of being able to manage the situation or address any problems that will provoke in future. Certain jobs make people little control. Bus drivers should have a schedule time, by the way  ,may get stuck in heavy traffic jam and do not able to reach there on time. Those with least controllable job are three times more likely to have blood pressure as compared with those with controllable jobs.

Friendliness and Health
Those who felt most lonely during the exams had the fewest natural killer cells. In women with breast cancer, those who had the most social support had 30 percent more natural killer cells than those without social connection.

Happiness and Health
Watching funny movies reduced the level of cortisol while increasing the number of natural killer cells- T-cells (that produced by thymus gland located below the breastbone and between the lungs, that attacks the surface of the cells as their receptors are located on the cell surface) and B-cells (that produced by bone marrows, attacks the inside of the cells).  

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