We all human beings are equal; there are no more differences in terms of communication and bodily activities such as walking, dancing and eating. However, with regards to physical condition and mental stage, we find difference within us. Some are big, whereas some small. Some are tolerant, whereas some are not. These differences arise due to proportional presence of five elements in our body. Without understanding the type of our body, we could manage our body and mind at the best level. Maintain your health by understanding your body type
A loong type of bod
Dry and rough skin
Too short or too tall
Have stooped body shape
Dark or bluish complexion
Creaking sounds from the joints while walking
Variable appetite
Sensitive to cold wind
Light sleep
Fond of recreational activities
A tripa type of body
Aggressive nature
Yellowish stool, hair, skin and urine
Excess body heat
Oily skin
unpleasant smell
Sensitive to sunbeam and heat
Good appetite
Excessive thirst and hunger
Average lifespan
Middle class
Medium height
craving for sweet and cold foods
A baeken type of body
Fair complexion
Upright body posture
Cool body
Less appetite
deep sleeper
Financially wealthy
Longer lifespan
Longer lifespan
Preferring to hot taste diet
After reading the feature of body type, you may understand the type of your body is. If you find your body is a loong type, then, you are recommended to take more nutritious and warm-natured foods, such as ginger tea. If your body is a tripa type, you should not eat oily foods, try to take less. If your body is a baeken type, then you should eat warm-natured foods, very often noodles, well-cooked food and do daily exercise such as walking.
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