Friday, November 4, 2016

The Relationship between Mind and Body

Our present body comes from the subtle body, and the subtle body from and indivisible aspect of loong and mind.

According to Sutra, at the time of conception, a body forms, and simultaneously feeling, cognitive aspect develop. This entirety remains in dependent nature until death occurs. When the mind separates from the body, body heat dissolves, and breath ceases, the person is considered death.

Consciousness can be of two types: sensory and mental consciousness. The former totally depends on the physical aspect of the body and external things. However the latter does not depend on the body organs and the brain. Even after the cessation of the brain function following the stoppage of blood circulation, some practitioners of Buddhist, of their body remain fresh for long time without any changes in the subtle aspect of the mental consciousness.  Therefore, the body provides foundation on which awareness of mental consciousness expands but it cannot change the mental consciousness. Blurred vision definitely and adversely affects the sensory organs, particularly the optical organs, but it does not affect the mental consciousness, necessarily.  However, mental sufferings such as strong grief and worry bring certain changes in the sensory consciousness.

For example, cultivation of compassionate heart helps to better blood circulation, fair complexion and physical appearance. This is evidence that mental consciousness can affect the sensory consciousness but the sensory cannot affect the mental consciousness.

Those suffering famine can live as long as they believe and think the bag they carry on contains foods, instead uneatable stuff. As and when they realize the bag contains only sands, not foods, and become hopeless, immediately they succumb to death.

According to the Tantra Tradition, though it postulates the gross level of elementary body as the seat of consciousness, but explains more importantly the relationship between the body of loong and consciousness at the subtle level. Loong is considered a vehicle for consciousness.  

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