Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The guidlines for Naming of Diseases

The significance of naming an object, place, people, animals and etc; is to avoid confusion over 'identification and recognitioin of things. The naming of disease is also very important to make us know what it is; but giving people's name and places to a disease, leads to stigmization of the concerned. World Health Organization has recently prepared "Guidlines for Naming of Diseases", revealing a message to avoid assignment of a perons or region to a human disease and it says:
Given the increasingly rapid and global communication through social media and other electronic means, it is important that an appropriate disease name is assigned by those who first report a new human disease. WHO strongly encourage scientists, national authorities, the national and international media and other stakeholders to follow the best practices set out in this document when naming a human disease. If an inappropriate name is released or used or if a disease remains unnamed, WHO, the agency responsible for global public health events, may issue an interim name for the diseases and recommend its use, so that inappropriate names do not become established.
The guidlines link is http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/163636/1/WHO_HSE_FOS_15.1_eng.pdf?ua=1

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