Thursday, February 14, 2013

Gyueshi Translation Project

There are different views on the translation of Tibetan medical textbook called “Gyueshi” into other languages. Many people refute that the Gyueshi translation should not be done by Tibetans. However, many medical books have been translated into English by non-Tibetan speakers, and the translation seems to be distorted as the translator lacks the knowledge of Tibetan medicine. Thereafter, it will create a weak image on Tibetan medicine.     

The Gyushi into Foreign Language   

Russian:Beginning from the 20th century, Tsagyue (wylie: rtsa rgyud) or the Root Tantra, the first tantra of the Gyueshi was translated into Russian in 1903 by Badmayev P A (1811-1923), and Aleksy Matveevich Pozdneyeve (1851-1920) translated  Shaegyue (bshad rgyud) or the Explanatory Tantra, the second tantra of the Gyueshi  into Russian in 1908 at St. Petersburg.

Li Yongnian (
李永年) translated the whole Gyueshi into Chinese and it was published in 1983.

At present, growing interest in Tibetan medicine is rapid and wide due to effective benefits offered by the Overseas Tibetan Medical Association and clinics. The people who are interested in Tibetan medicine are not only patients who take Tibetan medicine but also those who embrace the fundamental principle of Tibetan medicine. Due to growing of interest in Tibetan medicine, Men-Tsee-Khang (Tibetan Medical & Astro. Institute) based in India translated and published “the Root and Explanatory Tantra” and “ The Subsequent Tantra", in 2008 and 2011, respectively.


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