Tuesday, April 10, 2012

An Appeal to My Fellowmen

By Yonden Gonpo Yuthok

Thee all,
Abandon selfishness, miserliness, and dissimulation
Avail yourselves in the benefits of patients
With compassionate hearts

Be persistent and consistent,
While not seeking temporary benefits
From rich friends

Render medicine and external therapies
Effectively to treat unbearable diseases,
 Without due consideration of personal position and gifts

Be a universal doctor,
By bridging the gap between the nearness and the farness

Not always be at home
Go to all places, and see all patients

Sweat out not to be a high-ranked physician,
But, to care the poor and the blind,
With full of love

Avert from alcoholic consumption,   
Conversely, rely on dairy products

Avoid riding a horse or a mule
Instead, go on foot to serve sea of patients

Something you have learned
Still many things left to be learned,
Thus, even being old,
You persevere to learn

Do not trial human life as machine,
Accept the limitation of one’s knowledge  


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