Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sowa Rigpa or Bokyi Sowa Rigpa?

W*e have discussed about appellation of Tibetan Medicine as such Sowa Rigpa or Bodkyi Sowa Rigpa. The former has gone more compromise with Amchi System, Buddhist Medicine. The latter strictly holds its foot on the principle of medical evolution in Tibet without begging the words of “We live in other’s place”. The discussion must be related with the issue of whether Tibetan Medicine is part of Ayurveda or not. If we register Tibetan medicine named as Sowa Rigpa under the governing body of AYUSH, it will definitely affect the ownership of Tibetan Medicine.*

Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said the Bill would ensure protection and preservation of the Sowa-Rigpa system and help in its development. It would lead to the setting up of a regulatory mechanism in the education and practice of Sowa-Rigpa. “We will take all steps for research and development of the Sowa-Rigpa system with a regulatory body in place.”

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